Monday, September 20, 2010

Time is on your side

Many things shape the cultural landscape of Injun Country - most of which are unknown and unconscious to those living there. Oh, I know there is language, tradition, culture and least of all - history, to shape and preserve Injun culture.

But who am I to say that - Time slips away!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Video Taping

Broke a rule on August 26 concerning doing a video for Dakota Wicoha that is not in my direct control. I made a vow a few years ago while working in NYC for the Episcopal Church as the Officer for Native Ministries and Gospel Based Discipleship never to do press interviews. It only leads to bad things and outcomes. I let the Canon for Communications of the Episcopal Church in MN do a recorded interview about the implications of the 150th Anniversary of the Dakota Conflict of 1862, the Convention, and it's location at the Lower Sioux Indian Community.

Footnote: it never was posted so forget anything posted above or anything I might have posted beyond the above. Just saying - eh?

What the heck - I'll post this old draft, just to get things started.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Myths and Mythology

Um, the past few months have been spent thinking about, listening to, creating, discerning myths in Injun Country. Injun cultural warriors, Injun tribal experts, Injun tribal courts and Injun tribal historians have provided countless resources for this myth and mythology activity. Sometimes the irony of the statements, actions, processes of the various parties named and alluded has created hours of levity and sadness. And that's not even the irony, I was considering until I wrote the sentence - see how complex this is?

Another irony is that one of the comforting resources for me has been a book written by a white guy from one of the societal, culturally weirdest places outside of South Dakota, I know of - Bemidji, MN. Kent Nerburn's "Neither Wolf nor Dog" confronts, engages many of the issues of the current issues of myth and mythology in Injun Country. Is it definitive - of course not but compared to the diatribes in most Injun press, Injun academics, and Injun journals it at least made me think of the elders that have been in my life and reality.

Oh well, old age does change ones perspective on the myths and mythology of the past, present and future.